Volunteer Corner

  • Posted on 31 January 2010
  • By The Editor

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR AWARDS BANQUET SILENT AUCTION! The Annual Awards Banquet will be Sunday May 2, 2010 and the Silent Auction at 5 pm on the outdoor patio,s is a whole lot of fun. As Mary Ann Webster says, 'everyone has something.' We could use sports items, jewelry, a service or a vacation spot. Unique items welcome. Contact Mary Ann Webster.

JOIN THE ZERO WASTE COMMITTEE Humankind's current interaction with the environment cannot be sustained. Promote zero waste. Contact Hillary Gordon.

WEB EDITORS, DESIGNERS, DEVELOPERS NEEDED The Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) is responsible for the Angeles Chapter's http://angeles.sierraclub.org web site. WE are looking for volunteers to work alongside our current dedicated team to design new features, develop applications, and maintain content. A new Press Section and other features are planned to launch in the coming months. IF you have web, editorial, design, or development skills, please join us with your thoughts on how to extend teh range and scope of angeles.sierraclub.org. Contact ECC Chair Steve Luner.

JOIN THE MEDIA TEAM Angeles Chapter has formed a brand new Media Team! Join in! Use your energy, interest, and media savvy for a good cause: the environment. This committee is charged with expanding our online Press Room, increasing our presence in new and traditional media outlets, plus broadening internal communications. Twitter, blogging, press releasing--it's all good and it's all vital to the new Media Team. Bring your expertise or keen level of interest and becoming part of what's turning out to be a fun and exciting new team! Contact Sandra Cattell.

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