Hawaiian Dream Vacation

  • Posted on 31 January 2010
  • By Richard Dickey
Hawaiian waterfall
Credit: Richard Glick

few have the opportunity to experience the richness of the natural landscape as seen from its vast trails systems.

Join us May 11-17, 2010 for our fourth Angeles Chapter Hawaiian Adventure trip to Oah'u. We will introduce participants to a part of Hawaii that is rarely seen, even though it's right in Honolulu's backyard. The Ko'olau Mountain Range rises behind Honolulu to heights over 3000 ft. The range is actually the Western half of a huge and long extinct volcano, whose northeastern portions crumbled into the sea in another age. The slopes of the Ko'olau are covered with dense, fertile vegetation ranging from rare orchids to bamboo forests.

The Hawaiian Adventure trip offers four days of hiking in this wonderful wilderness. The four-to-five-mile hikes take us along rooted and rocky trails to fabulous vistas overlooking Pearl Harbor, Kailua, and Koko Head. One hike ascends to the top of the range, where both the windward and leeward sides of the island are in sight, and the power of ancient volcanic forces is clearly evident.

Dawn and dusk are also important parts of this Hawaiian Adventure. Experience sunrises over Diamond Head and sunsets over the ocean with just a short walk to Waikiki beach from our small hotel.

If you're interested in surfing, Waikiki is the best place to learn, where the waves are gentle and the water is warm.

is a thriving city where history is honored and the island's many cultures are celebrated with festivals and events. With late afternoons open, there is time for more exploration. During one free day participants pursue their own interests, from cuisine, to ocean sports, to visiting Pearl Harbor. Priced at only $1195 for members, this trip includes airfare, six-nights lodging, all ground transportation, and a welcome BBQ . Past participants praise this trip for its value and the balance of experiences that show us tropical Oah'u and the spirit of Aloha.

Includes round trip flight, 6 nights lodging and ground transportation. $1,195 (see web site for details) with SC#/$1,250 non-member. Reserve ASAP. ($500 deposit, full refund up to the purchase of the airline ticket. Register as soon as possible to lock in the price.) Limit 25. Contact Ldr: Richard Glick or Subject: Hawaii 09. Co Leader: Christine Dickey

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