Latest News & Committee Actions

Introducing the Wildland Urban Wildfire Committee (Blog)

Sierra Club Resolution

Sierra Club California: On August 22, 2020, the Sierra Club California passed a resolution to: “Prohibit New Development in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones. Sierra Club California supports policies that prohibit new building in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (except for infill in already developed areas consistent with Sierra Club national urban infill policy) to respond to increasing intensity and frequency of devastating wildfires on lives, habitat, property, infrastructure, and the environment.”

 Comment Letters by the Committee

  1. The Los Angeles Department of City Planning – Hollywood Community Plan
  2. Pico Canyon
  3. Sand Canyon Resort
  4. Oppose: Berggruen Institute Project
  5. Wildfire Kuehl Motion 10-13-20
  6. Wildfire Kuehl Motion 11-17-20