Your Logo Here: Enter OC Design Competition

  • Posted on 31 August 2009
  • By The Editor

Orange County Global Warming Committee

Let's face it. Energy is an unseen 'juice' that makes things run. In Orange County we want to encourage more of that juice that supports our business community to be green. So the OC Global Warming Committee has started a 'Powered by Solar' Insignia Award project for solar powered business and commercial buildings as part of its ongoing Juicing OC project.

To launch this project we are initiating a design competition. The contest is open to all, not just OC residents. We are looking for a bold, colorful, easy to recognize insignia design that will clearly identify a commercial building as being 'powered by solar'. The winning design will be reproduced on static cling decals that can be mounted on windows or glass doors of commercial and industrial buildings in greater Orange County. This award's visibility will highlight and draw attention to companies that are using renewable energy and support sustainable business practices.

Businesses using alternative solar power to light their buildings and power their plants deserve public recognition. But solar panels are most often out of sight, tucked away on rooftops or back lots. Lost are opportunities for those forward thinking businesses to talk about energy costs with their clients, or for building goodwill with those who see being 'green' as good for the country and the bottom line, as well as the environment.

In cooperation with local solar electric contractors and installers the Global Warming Committee's 'Powered by Solar' Insignia project will identify companies 'juicing' their business and award them our Club's bold and eye-catching decal they can display with pride. DEADLINE FOR THE COMPETION IS OCTOBER 30, 2009. Details on the contest are available on line: Click on Juicing OC, then click on Enter Logo Design Contest.

Helping Orange County businesses get smart about energy is part of the Sierra Club's goals to grow a clean energy economy in America.

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