September L.A. Solar Plan Meetings

  • Posted on 31 August 2009
  • By The Editor

Angeles Chapter Global Warming Committee
National Club Staff

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) has announced they will hold five public meetings across the City in September. Your presence (plus your friends and colleagues) is needed to show a great public desire for clean renewable energy (and less dirty coal).

That way, the City Council members can say they are obeying the public will, when they vote for solar. Join us to cheer for clean energy and speak out in support of solar power, greater efficiency and green jobs.

Please help by coming with us to one of these public meetings. Contact us and we'll tell you when and where and give you all the information and support you need. Send an email to or call the Club office at 213-387-4287, extension 208 and leave a message to tell us which meeting you can attend. Go to for meeting schedule details and how you can participate.

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