2006 Angeles Chapter election results

  • Posted on 31 December 2005
  • By The Editor

Three incumbents were reelected and four new members were elected to the Angeles Chapter Executive Committee in November's election.

Reelected to two-year terms were Virgil Shields, Donna Specht, and Jay Matchett. Also elected to two-year terms were Jan Kidwell and Dean Wallraff.

Elected to one-year terms were John Fries and Joe Young. All terms begin Jan. 1.

The number of open positions was unusually large-seven instead of the normal five-because of two vacancies among the nine at-large members of the 25-member Executive Committee. The five two-year terms were won by the top five vote getters. One-year periods to complete terms won in the previous year's election went to the next two vote getters.

Ten candidates chosen by the Chapter Nominating Committee last summer competed in the election. Voting was conducted via ballots mailed in the November issue of Southern Sierran to all Sierra Club members in the Angeles Chapter area.

The Executive Committee sets policy for the 55,000-member Angeles Chapter, oversees the Chapter's administrative and conservation staff, and monitors the Chapter's budget.

The November ballot also included local candidates for the executive committees of 15 regional groups.

-Don Bremner

Angeles Chapter Elections Committee chair


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