News Blog

Welcome to the Southern Sierran, published by the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club, serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

Want to learn about an environmental issue?  Select an issue from the below list and start learning.

News Archive
April 8, 2013 By Jerry Tate

Passages: Ron Van Cleave, longtime chair of Angeles Chapter's Bicycle Touring Committee.



April 2, 2013 By National staff reports

April 1, 2013 By Mary Forgione

New Southern Sierran: The first quarterly newsletter includes Schedule of Activities for April to June.





April 1, 2013 By Carole Mintzer and Ron Silverman

March 22, 2013 By From Sierra Club reports

Kicking coal: L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa and Al Gore credit Sierra Club with the city's plan to be free of coal-burning energy by 2025.

March 21, 2013 By Eric Teplitz

The Friday Night Hike: Can you fall in love with a trail? Yes, and the hikers too, at Topanga State Park.

March 21, 2013 By Lynne Plambeck

Newhall Ranch: L.A. County's thirst for more homes would ruin the Santa Clara River.

March 14, 2013 By From Sierra Club reports

Pollution control: New bills in Congress would offer more protection of air and water quality.

Free Environmental Law Workshop - Saturday, March 30th from 8:30am-4:30pm. Presentations on California and Federal environmental laws, and open government. Free lunch is provided.

March 6, 2013 By Joan Davidson

Superfund sites: EPA to start DDT cleanup of Harbor Gateway sites where dumping took place from 1947 to 1982.

March 4, 2013 By Angeles Chapter Awards Committee

Chapter Awards: Meet the volunteers to be honored for their commitment to the Sierra Club.

March 4, 2013 By By Ray Hiemstra

Desalination sounds great, but it's not the answer to Southern California's water woes.

February 22, 2013 By From Angeles Chapter reports

Passages: Darrick Danta (pictured) and Dorothy Beck Mcinnis



February 22, 2013 By George Watland

Sepulveda Dam: U.S. Army Corps drops plan to plant salt grass at bulldozed site.

February 22, 2013 By Carole Mintzer

Chapter Chair Column: Make the most of your Sierra Club membership by getting involved.

February 22, 2013 By David Haake

President Obama, can you hear us? Activists at L.A. climate change rally oppose the XL Keystone Pipeline.

Join the Largest Climate Rally in L.A. History! This Sunday, February 17th at 1pm. March to stop the XL Keystone Pipeline and demand clean energy.





February 13, 2013 By From Sierra Club reports

Climate change protest: Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune and others arrested at White House while protesting Keystone XL Pipeline.

February 6, 2013 By David Haake

Want to volunteer but don't know how to get started? Seven easy ways to get involved (and have fun!)




February 5, 2013 By Sara Mosko

Plastics in the sea: Why some plastics behave badly in the ocean and pose a triple toxic threat to marine life.

February 5, 2013 By Carol Henning

March 16 - Film Screening: "Mother: Caring for Seven Billion" a film about population growth and climage change. Hosted by the Angeles Chapter's International Issues Committee.

February 5, 2013 By From Sierra Club reports

We're inspirational!
Sierra Club's Mission Outdoors receives Outdoor Inspiration Award that recognizes all the volunteer leaders who bring people in touch with their wild side.

Join us in DC or many locations across the country to stop the XL Keystone Pipeline and demand clean energy.



Renewed Threat to the Montebello Hills: Task Force raises concerns about proposed development.

March 1, 2005 By Dominique Dibbell

The environmental optimist: Sierra Club's Angeles Chapter mourns the passing of Huell Howser and his legacy of love for California's wild places.

January 5, 2013 By George Watland

Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Refuge: 
 - Family Outing, Saturday, April 27, 3:00-4:30 pm, Leaders Joe Phillips & Silvia Darie

January 2, 2013 By Ginny Herringer

After the Station Fire: Let the Angeles Forest heal naturally.

January 2, 2013 By From Angeles Chapter reports

Chapter Awards Banquet: Reserve your spot at the table by April 20!

January 2, 2013 By From Angeles Chapter reports

Strawberry Peak Trail: Trail crew works on fire-ravaged hiking route in Angeles National Forest.

January 2, 2013 By From Angeles Chapter reports

January 2, 2013 By From Sierra Club reports

January 2, 2013 By From Sierra Club reports

January 2, 2013 By Lynn Lively

Walk on, walk on! Stamina and a deep bond of friendship are the key to success on this trans-Sierra trek.

December 19, 2012 By George Watland

Save $ and Help the Environment:  Update on Sustainability Measures You Can Take Now with Chris Prelitz. The Orange County Global Warming Committee kicks off their 2013 campaign on January 13, 2013, 4:00pm.  FREE

December 13, 2012 By Glenn Pascall

San Onofre: Want a good reason to close this unsafe nuclear power plant? How about 12?

December 4, 2012 By Angela Lindstrom

Coyote Hills: Activists opposing a housing tract on open space in Fullerton score a grass-roots victory.

December 4, 2012 By From Sierra Club reports

Fracking in California: The state rethinks exceptions to CEQA after Sierra Club sues over potential fracking at oil wells.

December 4, 2012 By Jeremy Drake and Marjorie Phan

Greening our waste: Do you know what happens to waste in your green bin? A Sierra Club survey of cities in Southern California makes some interesting finds about who's doing it right.

December 3, 2012 By Keith Martin

Give the gift of the environment: Ideas for everyone on your gift list. Proceeds benefit the environment and the work of the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter.

Angeles Chapter Retreat: January 5th from 8:30-4:00.  Join us for our annual planning event.  *New location*

November 28, 2012 By Carole Mintzer

2012 Bob Hattoy Award: Howard Strauss receives Club's statewide honor for his political activism.



Christmas on Skid Row hike: Each year the Sierra Club leads an all-night trip to bring supplies to L.A.'s most needy. Join us!

November 16, 2012 By Joan Jones-Holtz

Channel Islands National Park: Join us on one of our 2013 trips for a three-day three-island tour!

November 16, 2012 By Mary Forgione

Happy Thanksgiving! We're thankful for Angeles Chapter members who step up and donate their time and money.

September 28, 2012 By George Watland

L.A.'s commercial waste: A new plan to issue exclusive franchise agreements would help L.A. meet green goals and keep costs down.

November 16, 2012 By Dave Brown

The Greening of L.A. County? A new General Plan would quadruple the number of significant ecological areas.

Sign our petition!  Support an overhaul for City of Los Angeles waste hauling and recycling.
