Angeles Chapter Proud Host of Pilot Diversity 101 Workshop

  • Posted on 31 March 2010
  • By Melody Anderson
Photo by Hertha Woody

On January 30, the Chapter hosted its first 'Diversity 101' workshop at Eaton Canyon Nature Center. The workshop was presented by the Club's Diversity Council and facilitated by Angela Park of Diversity Matters. The Angeles Chapter was fortunate to be chosen for this pilot program, which will eventually be available Club-wide.

More than 30 Chapter and Club leaders participated, representing numerous geographic groups, conservation entities and outings. Also participating were Diversity Council members Juana Torres (Angeles Chapter), Andy Bessler (Flagstaff, AZ) and Annette Souder (Washington, D.C.) Special thanks to Juana for coordinating this event.

The day was filled with interactive sessions which encouraged the participants to explore various topics such as: why diversity is important to the Sierra Club, how diversity differs from inclusion and why we need both, and group membership and identity and how they affect our perceptions and assumptions.

There is little doubt that the continued relevance and survival of the Chapter and the Club, and thus our collective ability to influence environmental and conservation issues, depend on us being able to attract and retain members who more closely reflect the emerging demographics of the Los Angeles/Orange County area and the country as a whole. The 'Diversity 101' workshop participants now have some valuable tools to use as we move forward with our efforts to make the Club and the Chapter a welcoming place for people of all ages and backgrounds who want to explore, enjoy and protect our planet.

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