Letters & Emails, via the Internet

  • Posted on 31 January 2010
  • By The Editor

I just read about the proposed November initiative to provide funding for our state parks by raising vehicle license fees $18 per year (and described as a small fee).

I've got news for you--I had a hard time coming up with my car license fee in 2009 because Schwarzenegger used the vehicle license item as a method to raise funds for the state by doubling the fee; adding $18 per year more on top of the now doubled fee will not encourage people to want to vote for your initiative.

Yes, I want to see our state parks protected, but isn't there another way to do it ? There are an awful lot of people out of work in California (especially in L.A.), working part-time, or had their hours so drastically cut (as I did) that we can't afford even $18 more.

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