What Will You Give The Planet?

  • Posted on 30 November 2009
  • By The Editor

BY Elizabeth Saas
Happy holidays! Whether we observe Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, or the Solstice, most of us think of this time of year as the Season of Giving. And if the merchants and the media had their way, Season of Giving would be synonymous with Season of Spending. But as Carol Henning points out, there are other, better, kinder-to-the-planet-and-ourselves ways to show generosity at this time of year. In our Group Spotlight, Barbara Creighton gives us all a way we can give to the young conservationists-in-training of OCICO without spending a dime. Page 7 shows off the generosity of some of our Chapter members, giving their time and talent to pursuits that benefit the environment. We can't tie ribbons and a bow on the lobbying of the Political Committee or on the Leave-No-Trace teachings of the Wilderness Travel Course, but is there a greater gift than that of one's time spent in the effort to make the world a better place for us all?

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