Take Action This October 24

  • Posted on 30 September 2009
  • By The Editor

By Terry Brady The next round of UN talks on climate change is just around the corner. The leaders of the world will again come together this December in Copenhagen. We hope that this time meaningful targets will be set. Toward this end, October 24, there are actions to draw attention to NASA scientist James Hansen's discovery that 350 ppm of carbon is the maximum allowable percentage of carbon in our atmosphere. It is the maximum amount of carbon that was ever present before while human life has existed on earth. We are now at about 387 parts per million. To turn such a trend around would take drastic changes: stop deforestation, protect native plant species everywhere, fully invest in renewables such as wind and solar, completely turn away from fossil fuel subsidies. Nuclear energy has hidden energy expenditures and also should be avoided like the plague it will cause when we can no longer maintain the waste. To find a 350 event near you visit www.350.org

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