Help Slow Down Global Warming

  • Posted on 30 September 2009
  • By The Editor

Photo Credit: Darrell Clarke
This Navajo, AZ coal power plant supplies LADWP. A major committee focus is ending our dependence on this and other coal plants producing dirty electricity.

The Angeles Chapter's Global Warming, Energy and Air Quality Committee is working on many exciting projects to reduce global warming.

We're waging a big campaign to get LADWP (and other municipal utilities) off coal (described in Bill Corcoran's op-ed on page 2).

We are also working to help the 122 cities in Angeles and Orange Counties go green, using an innovative approach to the National Club's Cool Cities Campaign. See the description of Juicing Orange County on page 7. Let us know if you want to encourage your city to be cool.

The Committee encourages all Club members to join the National Club's campaign to help pass the Senate climate bill by calling Sierra Club activists in other states (go to We are also helping Sierra Club California work with the state legislature and agencies to implement statewide greenhouse reduction strategies. In addition, we have researched residential rooftop solar permit fees for all municipalities in Southern California and published a detailed report (see our website) which has already resulted in lower fees!

We are also working on a Green Power campaign, encouraging everyone served by municipal utilities (but not Southern California Edison) to sign up for green electricity. We also work with the Chapter's Green Building Committee, promoting energy conservation so that everyone can save money while saving the planet--and get tax credits too! We're ready to give inspiring PowerPoint presentations to your group or any other that wants the latest info. Please contact us.

We encourage you to join our regular meetings at the Angeles Chapter office, 7 pm on the second Thursday of most months (except December). The next meetings will be October 8 and November 12. You can save the commute by calling in: (866) 501-6174, Code: 1000400#.

To get more info, or join our email listserv, go to the committee website at or contact us: Jim Stewart: (213) 487-9340 or Darrell Clarke: (310) 453-1218.

Come to the Angeles Chapter Global Warming and Energy Committee webpage and for more features and updates:

  • Help pass the federal energy-climate bill
  • Renewable energy in Sacramento
  • The Top Ten Ways to Save Money by Going Green
  • The new Sierra Club California Energy-Climate Committee website
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