• Posted on 31 July 2009
  • By The Editor
This wise, water-loving owl created by the Water Conservation Committee raises awareness about water conservation throughout Southern California and throughout this issue of Southern Sierran.

The Water Committee celebrates its first anniversary. Started out of dire necessity to address the deterioration of the water situation in Southern California, from the beginning the Committee members dedicated themselves to promoting and fostering the water conservation message of the Angeles Chapter.

Inspired to action from the very beginning the Committee passed its first resolution and mission statement at the inaugural meeting in July 2008. From the very beginning, Committee members wanted to make strong statements and take strong actions in favor of the environment and of education.

Since its promising start, the Water Committee has grown in numbers and it has shown an ability to participate in numerous community events to promote the conservation message. The Committee has tabled at numerous events, developed educational materials and attended public meetings.

Water Committee members have designed and set up a new web page maintained by a committee member, this has helped move the Water Committee message on the internet (http://angeles.sierraclub.org/water). The committee also designed a logo, a water conservation sticker and a magnet to hand out at tabling events. The cute and well designed materials with easily remembered catch phrases have been a success.

The Water Committee has also participated in several school outreach projects and developed a Water On Earth demonstration project.

A great success for the Water Committee was the participation in the organization of the first ever March For Water, a plastic bottle free event on World Water Day. By collaborating with the Green L.A. Coalition, Urban Semillas and Food and Water Watch, the Water Committee contributed to make this event a success.

The Committee has pushed forward the conservation agenda by meeting with DWP and pressing DWP to adopt a 3-4 tier water structure which will be in front of Los Angeles City Council in the near future. The Water Committee also sent a letter to DWP asking that additional revenue earned from the implementation of new tier structure should be used to increase rebates and incentivize residential users to increase conservation and/or to promote water recycling.

An upcoming meeting with MWD will foster a much needed dialogue between a resale water agency and the public. And last but not least the latest success:

The Angeles Chapter joined the Green L.A. Coalition and 25 nonprofit organizations in urging the MWD Board to fund the outstanding rebates and continue the funding for next fiscal year and thanks in part to our efforts Metropolitan Water District will continue the funding of the Water Conservation Rebates.

The continuation of the program was at risk because many water agencies were not willing to support it.

At a time of extreme water scarcity it makes sense to continue the funding of a very successful water con-servation incentive pro-gram.

The Angeles Chapter Water Committee members and staff spoke during public comments at the MWD Stewardship Committee Meeting and at the MWD Board of Directors Meeting and urged the Directors to continue on the path of water conservation.

Water agencies need to understand the true value of conservation by offsetting the future avoided costs of a limited imported water supply.

To get involved, please join us at our next meeting. The Water Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month at Chapter headquarters.

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