• Posted on 31 July 2009
  • By The Editor

TIP #1

It seems that no matter how hard we try, we cannot get away from plastic jugs or bottles.

So how about combining your water saving and with reusing your waste?

Any plastic bottle with a cap will do, but the larger the better.

Here is how you can make a drip irrigation for either house plants or vegetables plants with your empty bottles.

Fill the plastic bottle with water, you can reuse your shower water or your dish rinse water, that is even better. Make 2 or 3 small holes in the cap with a sharp object , do not make the holes too big. Cap the bottle and then turn it upside down. The water should come out in small drops. Place the bottle next to the plant and your plants will be happy and you will be saving water and watering time. When the jug is empty refill and restart the process.

TIP #2

Promote the Cash for Grass Campaign

Much of the water consumed is used outdoors, irrigating our lawns and our thirsty plants. Unfortunately MWD Board ended their rebate program for residents to replace grass lawns.

Please call your city and your local water agency or send letters urging them to set the example for water conservation and ask them to start their own “cash for grass” rebate programs.

TIP #3

Do your part to save water, even if your city doesn't mandate these water saving methods.

In the Yard:

  • Water your yard after 4pm and before 9am. If you have outdoor sprinklers, use them on Mondays and Thursdays only for 15 minutes or less per section. (Consider replacing your lawn with drought-tolerant plants and spread organic mulch around plants to help retain moisture .)
  • Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and sidewalk.
  • Avoid excessive watering that allows runoff into streets or gutters.

Around the Home:

  • Repair leaky pipes and fixtures
  • If you must wash your car, use water sparingly and make sure your hose has a self-closing nozzle that stops the spray.
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