L.A. Wants to Go Coal-Free; How You Can Help!

  • Posted on 31 July 2009
  • By The Editor
Vote with your feet: show up to support solar power in L.A. and the green jobs it will bring.

Would you like to help bring more solar energy to Los Angeles? Now there’s a way for you to make a big difference in switching our city from dirty coal to clean renewable energy. Here’s how:

On July 1, Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa declared that Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) would eliminate the use of coal by 2020. He also announced the City would get 40% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020 and go 60% carbon-free by 2030. (The rest of the power will likely come from natural gas, nuclear energy and large hydropower, including Hoover Dam.)

This is a huge step forward for a city that gets more than 40% of its electricity from burning coal. It moves LA into the forefront of the fight against climate change and air pollution, while creating enormous opportunities for local green jobs. By maximizing energy efficiency and turning to renewable energy, LADWP can get off coal while minimizing utility bill increases. This is a far better path for the environment, the economy and ratepayers than continuing to depend on risky, polluting fossil fuels.

LADWP will soon be holding workshops for public input to its plan to greatly increase our city's solar power - a key to weaning us from coal. To show a great public desire for clean renewable energy and support political leaders who agree with us, it's crucial to turn out large numbers of supporters. A big crowd of Sierra Club members and friends will make a big difference! That way, the City Council members can say they are obeying the public will, when they vote for solar. Join us to cheer for clean energy and speak out in support of solar power, greater efficiency and green jobs.

Please help by coming with us to one of these public meetings. Contact us and we'll tell you when and where and give you all the information and support you need. Send an email to globalwarmingaction@gmail.com or go to www.angeles.sierraclub.org/energy and sign up or call the Club office at 213-387-4287, extension 208 and leave a message.

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