Grab your ballot! 2006 Angeles Chapter Elections

  • Posted on 31 October 2005
  • By The Editor

Choosing capable leaders is one of the most important actions we take as Sierra Club members to make the Club a strong, effective organization. In the November issue of the Southern Sierran, you will find a ballot for choosing seven at-large members of the Angeles Chapter Executive Committee and for electing members of executive committees of regional groups at the local level. A pullout section (pages E1-E4) contains the candidates' statements. Please read this and vote. Your ballot must be postmarked by Nov. 22.

The seven people elected this month will join two at-large incumbents on the Chapter Executive Committee (there are seven open positions this year, instead of the normal five, because of two vacancies). The nine at-large members, along with one delegate from each of the Chapter's 16 regional groups, make up the 25-member Executive Committee representing more than 55,000 Sierra Club members in Los Angeles and Orange counties that meets monthly to guide the Angeles Chapter's activities.

Start your voting now by peeling off the address label on this page and putting it where indicated in the dotted-line box on the front of your ballot. Results will be posted at the Chapter office and on the Chapter website in early December and reported in the January Southern Sierran.

If you have not received a ballot, call the Chapter office at 213-387-4287; have your membership number handy.

-Don Bremner, Angeles Chapter Elections Committee Chair

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