How National Leader Standards affect Angeles Chapter

  • Posted on 31 March 2005
  • By Tina Bowman

Although the Sierra Club's National Leader Standards (NLS) became effective July 1, 2004, the Angeles Chapter has been granted an extension until Jan. 1, 2006, for leaders to meet currency requirements.

The NLS divide outings into two basic types: Level 1 outings, such as day hikes and car camps, and Level 2 outings, such as backpacks (overnight stay away from cars). The Angeles Chapter will continue to use its O, I, M, E, and T leader ratings without conflict with the NLS.

Under the NLS Sierra Club leaders must:

Ó be a Sierra Club member;

Ó be at least 18 years of age;

Ó have first aid certification equivalent to or higher than American Red Cross Basic;

Ó complete the Outings Leader Training-Basic (OLT 101) or comparable training;

Ó have outing participant skills appropriate for the activities of the trip towards the advanced end of the scale;

Ó provisionally lead at least one outing and receive a positive evaluation by the Mentor Leader;

Ó receive approval to lead outings from the Outing Chair or delegated authority of the entity sponsoring the outing.

Leaders of Level 2 outings must also:

Ó successfully complete the Outings Leader Training-Core Workshop (OLT 201) or comparable training;

Ó provisionally lead at least one outing that includes an overnight stay away from cars and receive a positive evaluation from the Mentor Leader.

Leaders trained under the Angeles Chapter's Leadership Training Program (LTP) meet all of these standards, except possibly O-level leaders who wish to lead backpacks. Leaders are to maintain currency every four years in first aid, by refreshing OLT 101 training, and by having led an outing at a given level within the past four years. Aside from lapsed first aid, Angeles leaders will be considered current in January 2006.

First aid training is considered current for four years, so Angeles leaders who have not taken a first aid course recently should plan on taking one. A four-hour basic first aid course is considered sufficient to maintain currency. Those who took Wilderness First Aid (WFA) to become an Angeles leader do not have to take WFA again, though they are encouraged to do so. CPR is not required under the NLS and does not count toward first aid currency.

OLT 101 and OLT 201 The LTP seminar is considered the equivalent of the higher-level course, OLT 201. To 'refresh' OLT 101 training, a leader will soon be able to view the material online. The Angeles Chapter likely will also make the printed version (12 pages long) available to leaders.

Provisional leads The Angeles Chapter already requires one or more provisional leads of leader candidates, the mentor being the assistant leader who evaluates the provisional leader. Leaders who have not led an outing in over four years may, with the approval of the outings chair, lead one as a provisional lead, the assistant leader becoming the Mentor Leader of the NLS.

The Chapter's Outdoor Activities Governance Committee issued several drafts of the NLS for review, comment, and revision by outings chairs and did change the NLS in response to concerns of the Angeles Chapter and others. The Outings Management Committee believes these are reasonable standards, which Angeles leaders will be able to meet with a minimum of difficulty.

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