Chapter banquet will celebrate volunteers

  • Posted on 28 February 2005
  • By Robin Ives

The Angeles Chapter relies on the volunteer services of its members. They ring doorbells, prepare exhibits, sit at tables and talk to the public, lead hikes, come out for work parties, repair and supervise our lodges, and do everything else needed to keep the Chapter running smoothly.

Once a year, we gather to honor a representative group of these stalwarts at the Chapter Awards Banquet, held this year on Sunday, May 1, at the Brookside Country Club, beside Pasadena's Rose Bowl. A reception for the awardees (provided by the Orange County Sierra Singles) will be held starting at 5pm, the dinner starts at 6pm. More details next month.

The top award for service to the Chapter is named after Phil Bernays who founded the Southern California (Angeles) Chapter in 1911. The Phil Bernays Service Award will go this year to Paul Sailer, for many devoted years as Chapter chair and chair of the Budget Committee.

The top award for environmental leadership, the Weldon Heald Conservation Award, goes to Lynne Plambeck, a major leader in the Chapter campaign to preserve the Santa Clara River and to fight the growing suburban sprawl in northern L.A. County. She was also instrumental in the Save Old Glory campaign. Plambeck has held accountable the developer and city and county officials every time they have ignored environmental protection laws.

The Chester Versteeg Outings Award will be presented to Tina Bowman for leading the Chapter Outings Training Program, as well as for exemplary leadership on the trail.

The Irene Charnock Office Service Award will go to Sophie Radowick, who has given an eight-hour day once a week for four years to the Chapter office. She maintained a flexible schedule, filling days when time and experienced help were most needed. She covered a wide range of office support tasks.

A Citation of Merit will be awarded the Native American Sacred Sites Task Force, which has taken fighting community injustice to a new level for the Sierra Club. Task force activists work tirelessly to protect Native American sacred sites in Orange and Los Angeles counties from development.

A Citation of Merit will be awarded the Harwood Work Party Team, which supplies volunteerism and dedication to maintain the lodge, year in and year out. The team ensures that every visitor has an enjoyable experience and that this mountain retreat is preserved for future generations of Sierrans.

A Citation of Merit will be awarded the 20's & 30's Singles Section for myriad services and achievements, including a new interactive web site, successful fundraising and contributions to Chapter programs, and multiple outings that have introduced hundreds of young people to the outdoors to enjoy the environment and learn to protect it.

A Conservation Service Award will go to Robin Everett.

Outings Service Awards will be given to John Corcoran, Bob Dean, Dianne Dunbar, Steve Han, Barry Holchin, Ana Juarez, John Kaiser, Randy Lamm, Donna Lauck, Tom McDonnell, Joe Morris, Gabriele Rau, Ron Schrantz, and Howard Strauss.

Special Service Awards will be given to Carol Churchill, Paul Cooley, Greg Hitchings, Pat Holleman, Karla Johnson Mehdi, Keith Martin, Alex Mintzer, the Palos Verdes/South Bay Group, Mike Sappingfield, Daphne Sturrock, Louise Vien, and Dean Wallraff.

Public Policy Awards will be given to Debbie Cook and Karl Warkomski for supporting environmental campaigns in Orange County.

Virgil Shields, Chapter chair, will serve as master of ceremonies. He will present a slide show honoring Chapter members who have recently passed away.

Lori Ives will head up the group effort to produce the banquet. For more information, call her at 909-621-7148.

Rosemarie White will chair the auction. Contact her to donate articles for the auction. Elizabeth Pomeroy will prepare awards certificates and plaques.

Tickets may be obtained by sending a list of persons desiring tickets, a check for $30 for each individual, and a stamped self-addressed envelope to Cathy Kissinger, Registrar, 10541 Oro Vista Ave., Sunland, CA 91040.

Individual awardees may request single free tickets. Some awards will go to multiple individuals. In that case, there will be one free ticket for the group.

Chapter entities are encouraged to purchase tables for the banquet: $300 per table for 10. Deduct the prices of any free tickets for people who you want to sit at your table.

The banquet is not a fundraiser; in fact, it does not break even. Entities are encouraged to help the Chapter by paying for the free tickets that will go to the individuals they have nominated.

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