Chapter web site team snags award

  • Posted on 31 October 2004
  • By The Editor

Revamp of site recognized at annual fete


Lead designer Ann Zumwinkle accepts award from Sierra Club president Larry Fahn honoring Angeles Chapter web site redesign committee at September awards ceremony.

Photo by Saul Bromberger

Among the honorees at the Sierra Club's annual Honors and Awards Banquet in September was the Angeles Chapter's Ann Zumwinkle, accepting an award for the Electronic Communications Committee.

Zumwinkle attended the ceremony, which was held in San Francisco. 'In our Chapter the average person spends more face time with their computer than with the natural world,' said Zumwinkle, lead designer on the project. 'Our committee's goal is to use that technological tool to bring the natural world back to our constituents.'

ECC volunteers put in over a thousand hour over the course of six months redesigning and rebuilding the site. Some of their ongoing goals are to build a calendar of events and meetings, and to expand the press room.

The Sierra Club's highest honor, the John Muir Award, honoring a distinguished record of achievement, went this year to longtime wilderness activist Vicky Hoover. Author and nationally syndicated columnist Arianna Huffington was the guest speaker.

Among the other awardees were:

Ken and Gabrielle Adelman, Ansel Adams Award, for their effort to photograph the entire California coastline from the air.

Peter Douglas, executive director of the California Coastal Commission since 1984, Distinguished Service Award.

California State Senator Byron Sher, Distinguished Service Award.

Paul Dana, Joseph Barbosa Earth Fund Award, recognizing a Sierra Club member under the age of 30.

Former Secretary of the Interior Stewart Lee Udall, Edgar Wayburn Award, for service to the environment by a person in government.

Syndicated columnist Molly Ivins, David Brower Award for environmental journalism.

For a complete list of awardees see

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