New Twist on Training

  • Posted on 31 December 2007
  • By Mary Morales

2008 ExComm Member-at-Large

A new Angeles Chapter committee - the Chapter Leadership Training Academy - will be responsible for training of newly elected and returning entity officers and appointed chairs, as well as for other volunteer training activities as they are required within the Chapter. (This was formerly known as the annual Volunteer Training Workshop.)

Take to the Black Hills this June

  • Posted on 31 December 2007
  • By Elizabeth Saas

'We were driving along the Wildlife Loop, and we saw this massive herd of buffalo. Our car was like a rock in this river of wildlife. The buffalo were so close that we could just about reach out and touch them.'

Photo courtesy Mike Sappingfield

Where the buffalo roam: Custer State Park

I Resolve to be Greener This Year

  • Posted on 31 December 2007
  • By Michelle Mocarski

Going on a diet, exercising, reading more, working less, spending more time with the family. All popular resolutions. As a Sierra Club member, I also am asking myself to make 2008 be a greener year. Here are 33 small changes you can make in your life that won't affect your routine drastically but that can make a big difference.

1. Make some small adjustments to your energy consumption. For example, using fluorescent bulbs can provide you the same light as normal bulbs but at a smaller cost because they use less energy. They also last longer.

Toxins in Toyland: A Scientist's Timely Caveat Emptor

  • Posted on 30 November 2007
  • By Sarah Mosko

, Ph.D.

It seems a sad day indeed that, without a serious overhaul of how chemicals are regulated in this country, parents may well find themselves looking wistfully back to the good ole days when possible 'choking hazard' was the only safety risk they had to consider when shopping for their youngsters.

It's easy to blame China for the recent brouhaha over popular imported toys containing lead, a toxic heavy metal known to cause a myriad of developmental abnormalities including inattention/hyperactivity, learning deficiencies and delayed growth.

Is CO2 Sequestration the Answer?

  • Posted on 30 November 2007
  • By Emil Lawton

, Ph.D.

Power plants contribute about 40% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) that is released to the atmosphere in the United States, about 60% world-wide. With permits on tap for about another 150 in the United States alone, millions of addition tons of CO2 would be released if built. The common theme presented is that the CO2 would be sequestered in the new plants and not to worry.

Celebrating Simplicity

  • Posted on 30 November 2007
  • By The Editor

As a time for giving, the holidays are the perfect opportunity to give back to the planet. Making sure you're doing your part to help the environment goes hand-in-hand with many of the holiday traditions we've come to love. Here are a few ways to make this December greener without scrimping on the holiday spirit.

Reduce Global Warming: Work for Strong Implementation of AB 32

  • Posted on 30 November 2007
  • By Kathy Seal

Global warming: we've seen An Inconvenient Truth, and are already witnessing drought, water shortages, horrific fires, and no snow in the east coast, not to mention the melting polar ice caps, with flooding and refugee crises to come.

Given these dire possibilities, what can one person do?
