Book Review: Western Turf Wars

  • Posted on 29 February 2008
  • By Keith Akers

Public lands ranching, built around the image of the 'all-American cowboy,' is perhaps the single most conspicuously harmful manifestation of livestock agriculture in the West. Ranchers are being subsidized to overgraze their cattle on public lands. Political influences often negate even the most basic restraints on overgrazing. And it doesn't even produce that much meat. Efforts to point out the obvious are often met by indifference, denial, or active cover-up.

The Dark Side of Email

  • Posted on 29 February 2008
  • By Bill Jackson

Remember what it was like to communicate with a Sierra Club group in the old days? Photocopy your letter, then address, stuff, stamp and mail envelopes? Isn't e-mail a wonderful convenience? Yes, it is, but e-mail has a dark side. When conflicts arise, some kind of e-mail related aggravation is often a key element.

Green Building Committee Backs County Proposals

  • Posted on 29 February 2008
  • By Andy Selsor

Three ordinances under consideration by Los Angeles County would change the face of local residential and commercial development, ushering in a new era of green building practices that would significantly reduce environmental waste, stimulate investment in renewable energy and help secure an ample supply of water for Southern California in years to come. If the plan can win approval in its current form, it will put the entire county on par with forward-thinking cities like Santa Monica and West Hollywood, which have already enacted exemplary green building legislation of their own.

The Autry Has Big Plans

  • Posted on 31 January 2008
  • By Carol Henning

'Our future no longer fits within these walls,' declares a poster near the entrance to the Museum of the American West in Griffith Park. Indeed.

Editor's Note/Apologia

  • Posted on 31 January 2008
  • By Elizabeth Saas

As I pitched the idea of the Sierra Sweethearts feature to the Editorial Board a couple of months ago, it seemed simultaneously a great idea as well as one destined to annoy a sensible part of the membership that rejects the notion of Valentine's Day on the grounds that this holiday is little more than a ploy by the greeting card companies et al to rob us of whatever money we managed not to spend in crass commercial celebration of the recent winter holidays.

Explore China With the Chapter in '08

  • Posted on 31 January 2008
  • By The Editor

According to the Lonely Planet book series, China is 'the longest continuous civilization, with an impressive heritage of art, architecture, language, and cuisine…. [China] is a country of great contrasts: picturesque rural landscapes and congested cityscapes, and natural beauty that ranges from the untamed to idyllic.' Does that tempt your wanderlust? Well, you can start packing. The Angeles Chapter wants to take you to see it all this year.
