Return to Costa Rica

  • Posted on 31 August 2004
  • By Jack Bohlka

Back by popular demand: After a hugely successful trip this year, the Angeles Chapter is sponsoring a second trip to Costa Rica in 2005. I was privileged to be a trip leader on the 2004 adventure, and can say this was one of the most memorable, wonderful experiences I have ever had.

Club urges conservation easements in Owens Valley

  • Posted on 31 August 2004
  • By Elden Hughes

For nearly 100 years the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has owned 320,000 acres in Eastern Sierra and the Owens Valley. These lands range from Mono Lake to Owens Dry Lake and contain over 20,000 acres of wetlands, 565 miles of year-round rivers and streams, and over 50 miles of lake shoreline including all of Crowley Lake. While ownership by the LADWP may have been a major factor in preserving the rural character and beauty of the valley, on other issues the LADWP can be faulted.

Chapter candidates present themselves

  • Posted on 31 August 2004
  • By Don Bremner

Chapter Elections Committee Chair

Five candidate forums in September and October will allow Club members to meet and talk with the candidates running for four at-large seats on the Angeles Chapter Executive Committee. The candidates will outline their interests and ideas and answer questions at the hour-long forums at monthly meetings of regional groups and sections.

The candidates, named by the Chapter Nominating Committee in late June, include Silvia Darie, George Denny, Ana Juarez, Jay Matchett, Will McWhinney, Sherry Ross, and Garen Yegparian.

Grass-Fed Beef: Solution or Diversion?

  • Posted on 30 June 2004
  • By Joan Zacharias

Google 'grass-fed beef' these days and you're likely to see it described as everything from 'old-fashioned goodness,' and 'meat without the guilt' to 'the right thing to do.'

Naturally, ranchers, farmers and restaurateurs anxious to profit from changing consumer tastes are singing grass-fed beef's praises, but so are many environmentalists, food activists, and proponents of local, organic, sustainable agriculture. A Sierra Club E-File tells us, 'By buying beef conscientiously, you can enjoy a fine steak and help steer modern agriculture in the right direction.'

To fish or not to fish

  • Posted on 30 June 2004
  • By Sherry Ross

You've sworn off red meat long ago and need a break from the winged flesh that's becoming oh-so boring regardless of the way it's cooked. Your disdain of factory farming reinforces your abandoning domesticated animals for food. You're not quite ready for lacto-ovo-vegetarianism or veganism, so you turn to fish as a possible last resort for a source of animal protein.

Organic: Good for you, good for the planet

  • Posted on 30 June 2004
  • By Gordon Labedz

, M.D.

National Sustainable Consumption Committee

When you choose organically grown food, you protect your health, the health of wild animals and the health of our waterways.

The True Cost of Food

  • Posted on 30 June 2004
  • By Michael Beck

Chair, National Sustainable Consumption Committee

The United States, with less than 5 percent of the world's people, consumes over 25 percent of its resources.

And that's not even the bad news. The really scary news is that the rest of the planet is scrambling to catch up with our lifestyle. If all 6.4 billion people did so, we'd need four more Earths to accommodate them.
