Nominate a Valued Member for a Chapter Award

  • Posted on 6 September 2016
  • By Awards Committee


Nominations Due Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Awards to be given at the Annual Chapter Awards Banquet May 7, 2017


Let's clean up San Fernando Valley's groundwater sooner than later

  • Posted on 1 September 2016
  • By From Angeles Chapter Water Committee

The San Fernando Valley's industrial past has come back to haunt it. Starting in the 1940s, aircraft manufacturing and other heavy industry sites set up operations in the northeast Valley. The sites are long gone, but guess what got left behind? Hazardous chemicals that continue to contaminate the Valley's precious groundwater.

Exploring the wide-open spaces of Mongolia, Sierra Club style

  • Posted on 11 August 2016
  • By Bruce Hale

What's it like to go on a Travel Adventure sponsored by the Angeles Chapter? Leader Bruce Hale shares this account of the amazing adventure in Mongolia he co-led with Leader Fred Dong. Check out all of our Travel Adventure trips to plan your next dream vacation. The leaders are planning another trip to Mongolia for 2018. The upcoming adventure will focus on the Gobi Desert and the northwest region of Mongolia, the region of alpine lakes and eagle-hunters.
