Tell Ford to put clean cars in the fast lane

  • Posted on 30 January 2018
  • By From Sierra Club National

The Sierra Club released a video calling out Ford for their work with the Trump administration to roll back the clean car standards. The video, targeted to the DC region, is accompanied by a petition calling on Ford to support strong clean car standards.

Passages: Mary Ferguson, leader, activist and Chapter fundraiser

  • Posted on 17 January 2018
  • By From Chapter reports

Mary Ferguson, longtime Sierra Club activist and the Angeles Chapter's first employee, died Jan. 11. She was 89 years old.

Mary, who was born Mary Anne Pidgeon on July 20, 1929, in Dublin, Ireland. came to America in 1958. She became active in the San Fernando Valley Group of the Angeles Chapter through backpacking and volunteering. 

Got your 10 essentials? What every hiker needs to have in their pack

  • Posted on 18 December 2017
  • By Will McWhinney

Have you looked inside your backpack lately? Maybe it’s time to dig out the orange rinds you forgot were in there and inventory the items you rely on to keep you safe on the trail.

Each season, consider updating your kit and replenish items as needed. After a hike, note what you used and what you need for next outing.

Get involved in 2018: What issues we care about

  • Posted on 18 December 2017
  • By From Chapter reports

The Chapter has always focused on conservation efforts to save our coast, clean our air and build sustainable com- munities. Join us in 2018 in working on these campaigns that affect all of us.

Save the coast
