Banquet promises cut-loose party for Chapter members

  • Posted on 31 March 2005
  • By Chapter Reports

Pull out your environmentally friendly décolletage, your super-macho tight jeans, and a throw-caution-to-the-wind attitude and come party with the Sierra Club at the annual Chapter Awards Banquet.



  • Posted on 31 March 2005
  • By The Editor

Muir Dawson, 1922-2005

Muir Dawson, one of the Angeles Chapter's longest-term members and a staunch supporter of the Chapter History Committee, passed away in February.

Renewables impractical? Tell that to the rest of the world

  • Posted on 31 March 2005
  • By Michael Milroy

Many energy companies, as well as the Bush administration, are very fond of telling us that renewable energy may be an option...20 or 40 years from now. Much of the rest of the world, however, is not adhering to this timetable. Wind power already supplies 5 percent of Europe's residential electricity demand, and wind and solar energy generating capacity worldwide are skyrocketing.


Nuclear power: Industry's rabbit in the hat

  • Posted on 31 March 2005
  • By Danila Oder

The Bush administration's refusal to deal with global warming seems inexplicable. Rising oceans and temperatures, after all, do not selectively spare Republicans, Texans, or oil executives.

But they are not baffled, puzzled, or stymied. They are simply keeping quiet about their plans. These originate in the 2001 President's Task Force on Energy (the one whose records Cheney still hasn't released to Congress).

Forest campaign intensifies as final management plans near

  • Posted on 31 March 2005
  • By Bill Corcoran

Sierra Club Regional Representative

Our local national forests, so often taken for granted, are in trouble. As people build more and more houses, businesses, and roads around and even on the forests, wildlife and their habitat continue to decline. Increasing numbers of motorcycles in the back country and commercial demands to slice the forests with highways, power lines, and even hydroelectric dams complete the picture of forests in crisis.

Las Lomas development halted

  • Posted on 28 February 2005
  • By Delise Keim

The proposed Las Lomas 5,800-home housing development in northern Los Angeles County has been blocked by Los Angeles and Santa Clarita officials.

Mammoth unmasked

  • Posted on 28 February 2005
  • By Susan J. Mcdonough

Mammoth from the Inside: The Honest Guide to Mammoth & the Eastern Sierra, by Colleen Dunn Bates, Prospect Park Publishing,, $15.95

Nature the destroyer needs our protection

  • Posted on 28 February 2005
  • By Keith Martin

The year began with news dominated by reports of death and destruction following the massive Indonesian earthquake. At first the death toll was counted in the thousands, then the tens of thousands, then over a hundred thousand. By some reports the dead and missing now number over a quarter million. So many lives gone so quickly, and not due to an act of humanity, but the raw force of nature. The reports tell that many of the victims were initially drawn to the shore, standing in wonderment as the water receded, then were swept away as the waves flooded in.

News in brief

  • Posted on 28 February 2005
  • By The Editor

Logging plan challenged

Six conservation organizations have filed suit in federal court challenging the U.S. Forest Service plan to increase logging in Giant Sequoia National Monument in the southern Sierra.

The national monument east of Porterville contains more than half of the world's sequoia trees. Their huge size, beauty and long life led to a drive to protect them, and President Clinton in 2000 gave them permanent protection by designating 328,000 acres, about one-third of Sequoia National Forest, a national monument under the Antiquities Act.
