Intricate Web

  • Posted on 31 May 2011
  • By Carol Henning
photo by Judy Anderson

Population, Consumption & Environmental Degradation Why Women's Rights Worldwide are the Key to Global Sustainability

FACT: Population is just one part of the sustainability challenge we face.

Chair's Corner

  • Posted on 31 May 2011
  • By The Editor

Hersh Kelley responds to ExComm Highlights.

Our Financial Gurus Deserve A Round of Applause

ExComm Chair Hersh Kelley doesn't have enough atta-boys and -girls for all of the group and entity treasurers, Mark Caylor, Doris Cerna, Jane MacFarlane. Says the Chair, 'Getting everything done on time is practically unheard of.'

Cast a Wide Net When Nominating for ExComm At-Large Positions

What's up with the Birds and the Bugs?

  • Posted on 31 May 2011
  • By Gabi Mclean

Would you like to know what you are seeing when you go on a hike - to identify and learn about the birds and butterflies, or the flowers and trees? Would you like to know which plants are useful and beneficial to you and which ones you should stay away from? What about the animals, do you know what lives here in our nearby mountains? What their existence means to us and why?

Lightening The Load In Our Mailboxes

  • Posted on 31 March 2011
  • By Carol Mintzer

After several years of hearing my spouse comment on the number of catalogs coming into the house, I did what any data geek would do - I collected all the catalogs that arrived in our mailbox in one year. And, I discovered my spouse had every right to be alarmed. In 2001. we received 396 catalogs - more than one a day, and a stack 3 feet high!!! That's a lot of paper, ink, and enticement to over-consume.

Emerald Neckace Project Continues

  • Posted on 31 March 2011
  • By Jeff Yann

In 2003, the Angeles Chapter's San Gabriel River Campaign took a bold step. Following the success of its 2002 San Gabriel Confluence Park Study, performed by Cat Poly Pomona's Studio 606, it solicited $71,l000 from five separate agencies, including the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC), City of El Monte, and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (DWP) to study and publish a report describing park opportunities along the Rio Honda north of Whittier Narrows Dam.

Chapter Centennial Picnic For Posterity Set For July 16

  • Posted on 31 March 2011
  • By Bob Cates
Just as our forebears celebrated a successful climb in the high sierra with famed mountineer Norman Clyde in the summer of 1931, we will party it up with famed climbers and Chapter leaders at the Centennial Celebration Picnic in Malibu on July 16.
Angeles Chapter Archives

(Formally) Welcome George Watland

  • Posted on 31 March 2011
  • By The Editor

When George Watland became the newest addition to the staff in late 2010 he was no stranger to the Angeles Chapter For more than two years he's been a respected member of the Water Committee. George also was an active participant in the No on 23 campaign.
