Santa Clarita Valley Group

  • Posted on 31 December 2009
  • By The Editor

Santa Clarita Sprawl
Credit: Angeles Chapter Archives

WE RESOLVE to fight the good fight

The Santa Clarita Valley Group looks forward to kicking off 2010 with our usual enthusiasm. We will meet monthly to discuss updates and listen to speakers. Members will participate in our events and hikes. Of course, without vigilance to protect open space there would be few places to conduct such outings, so we will work to influence proposed/future projects such as Newhall Ranch, CEMEX, the race track near the Poppy Reserve, etc. Our chairman will be representing the Sierra Club on our city's ad hoc MRF committee. It will decide in 2010 where to locate the city's recycling facility. We will also meet with city leaders about the Cool Cities program and open space projects.

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