Saddleback Canyons Task Force

  • Posted on 31 December 2009
  • By The Editor
WE RESOLVE to achieve three goals for 2010.

Our task force has three goals for 2010:

  1. To continue a broad-stroke approach to new projects and community issues to support and strengthen the existing Foothill/Trabuco and Silverado/Modjeska Specific Plans.
  2. To focus on trail and forest (Cleveland National Forest) access by addressing one project at a time; one trail at a time. To work with other groups to accomplish this goal.
  3. To focus on specific requirements, limitations and guidelines interpreted from the existing Foothill/Trabuco and Silverado/Modjeska Specific Plans, and identify current successes from this perspective. To compile a list of compliant projects and hopefully create a broader familiarity of the Specific Plans with community members.

Photo by Rich Gomez

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