News Blog

Welcome to the Southern Sierran, published by the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club, serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

Want to learn about an environmental issue?  Select an issue from the below list and start learning.

News Archive

Sign our petition!  Support an overhaul for City of Los Angeles waste hauling and recycling.

Election results for Sierra Club-endorsed candidates in LA County and Orange County races.

Schedule of Activities e-edition: Get outdoors! Check out Sierra Club hikes, trips and other outings now through Dec. 31.


November 3, 2012 By Melody Anderson & Donna Specht

Angeles Chapter Outings Assembly: 9:30am to 3pm on Saturday, November 3, at the Eaton Canyon Nature Center.  Keynote speaker will be the Club's new Mission Outdoors Director, Stacy Bare.

October 31, 2012 By George Watland

San Onofre: Sierra Club seeks rate reprieve for the nuclear reactor that's been off-line for months.

October 31, 2012 By Wynne Benti

Climb the highest mountain, but how high is it? The ever-
changing elevation of beloved Mt. Whitney.

Elections Begin by Nov. 1st


Dirty politics: Why is Congress attacking the Clean Water Act? Sierra Club knows the score — and you should too.

October 16, 2012 By Joan Schipper

Sierra Club photo auction Nov. 10: Sign up to bid on fine art works by original artists.

October Solar Homes promotion: A great time to go solar.

Follow updates posted with the San Onofre Task Force.

Solar panels, coming right up! A Sierra Club member shares her Sungevity experience of going solar.

Follow updates posted by the Saddleback Canyons Task Force.

September 12, 2012 By Linda Strong

Montebello Hills: Fire underscores dangers of building houses on an oilfield.

Hot seats: Tight races makes votes cast in these districts very important.

2012 Angeles Chapter Awards Nominations - The Awards Committee invites nominations for the 2012 Chapter awards. The submission deadline is Thursday, November 1, 2012.

September 7, 2012 By Jane Simpson

Become a Leader: Sign up for future classes at Leadership Training Class.

August 31, 2012 By Ginny Herringer

Historic moment: Chapter historian and leader Bob Cates wins national Sierra Club award.

August 30, 2012 By Emma Smith

She climbs every mountain: Chapter leader Tina Bowman receives the Sierra Club's top mountaineering award.

Make sure you get all Angeles Chapter e-news!

September 5, 2012 By Ron Silverman, Senior Chapter Director

Volunteers needed: The Angeles Chapter is seeking a treasurer and an editor/designer.

Contact the Political Committee for more information about ongoing activities.

Newcomers and Members: Looking to get more involved? Join us Nov. 19th in Costa Mesa.

August 13, 2012 By Tom Bowman

Climate change podcast: Tom Bowman of the Climate Report talks with Bill McKibben. Listen.

Help preserve Mojave Desert water resources on July 25th.

July 19, 2012 By jrobinson

 Help Save Banning Ranch in Newport Beach on July 23rd. Join our rally at 5:30pm.  City Council meeting starts at 6:00pm.

The Southern Sierran newsletter is now available online.  Check out July/August issue today!

July 11, 2012 By Michael Stevenson

Energy policy smackdown: What Obama and Romney favor -- and how they mesh with Sierra Club's goals.

July 10, 2012 By Gabrielle Weeks

Home, sustainable home: How to create a more energy-efficient home. (Really, it's not that hard.)

July 10, 2012 By Joe Young

Nobody walks in LA? Leader Stag Brown does, and takes Sierra Club members with him.

July 9, 2012 By Sierra Club reports

The wind energy credit plan is vital for the country's move to renewable energy.

July 9, 2012 By Ilana Solomon

The massive global trade proposal called Trans-Pacific packs an environmental dark side.

July 9, 2012 By From Sierra Club reports

Here we go again!
Cadiz Inc. plans
to squeeze water from Mojave Desert's aquifers.

Declare your Independence from fossil fuels - Take the step towards rooftop solar!

Save the Date"Make a Splash for Water Conservation" Political Fundraiser on Sunday, August 26th.  RSVP by August 13th!

POSTPONED: Help preserve Mojave Desert water resources (Meeting CANCELLED)

June 18, 2012 By jrobinson

UPDATE: Action to block legislation devastating to the coastal environment.

Speak out about FRACKING: June 13 (Long Beach)

June 6, 2012 By Sarah Mosko

Pollution: With L.A.'s plastic bag ban, so goes the nation? We hope so!

June 6, 2012 By Sarah Mosko

Consumerism: Do ads make us want and buy too much stuff? Of course they do -- that's the whole point.

June 4, 2012 By Southern Sierran staff and contributors

Transportation: Move LA names Chapter activist Darrell Clarke a transportation champ!



June 4, 2012 By jrobinson

Stand up to Big Oil: Sign a petition in support of Canada's "Black Out, Speak Out Day" -- a national day of protest against toxic tar sands and Prime Minister Stephen Harper's attack on civil society organizations.

Dec. 25, 2012-Jan. 10, 2013

May 23, 2012 By Southern Sierran staff and contributors

Pollution: L.A. votes in ban on single-use plastic bags at supermarkets!


May 23, 2012 By jrobinson

Go Solar with Sierra Club!  Join the Rooftop Revolution and help support the Angeles Chapter.

May 21, 2012 By jrobinson

Rally to Ban Plastic Bags in L.A. City: Join us at L.A. City Hall to urge City Council to adopt a plastic bag ban on Wednesday, May 23 at 9am.

May 21, 2012 By John Barry

Nuclear power: Sierra Club's No Nukes Team notes Japan's shut down of nuclear plants.

Get involved: We are forming a task force to ensure safe operations of the San Onofre nuclear power plant and to make sure its federal license to continue operating isn’t renewed.

May 11, 2012 By Tom Williams

Southern California may be particularly vulnerable to fracking.

May 11, 2012 By jrobinson
Help Save the Santa Clara River!
Tuesday, May 15th at 9:30am.  Come testify at a hearing against Newhall Ranch Phase 2/ Mission Village.
