As the Co-Fpunder of the Sierra Club Tasjk Force to Save the Mntebello Hills, I admire the persistence and effectiveness of rhe Banning Ranch Task Force and the success of the on going effort to preserve precious habitat etc. I was unaware of the Conservation Committee had been doing so much to help. There has been work being done here in Mintebello and a small group has been doing outreach and another group filed a lawsuit. It is based on the failure of the City of Mintebello and the would be deatructou to include the 74% of Montebello residents who speak mainly Spabnish in the Environmental Impact evaluation process. I would like to know if there are anty other resources which I coud convey to the group similar to those being applied at Banning Ranch? The goal, once oil production had ceased, is to designate the entire remaining Mntebelo Hills as a Nature Preserve with educational, hiking and some picnic areas available. Of course, all will be for naught if there isn't relief from the draught caused by the wrong doing of the corporations which claim to be people and value only profit over life.
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