The choice is stark for southern CA. Either do desalination, or require all the residents to let their lawns and landscaping die. I have been a resident for over 50 the same house with a large yard. One tree that I planted is 80 feet tall with a spread of about 60 feet. The trunk is 8 feet in diameter at the base. It shades my whole back yard. I don't want to lose that tree. I spend time in its shade every day. I am willing to pay for desalinzed water to keep my beautiful back yard. Please don't tell me I have to turn it into a desert. There are too many people in Sourhern CA, and large housing tracts are still being built! Limiting growth would help with the water problem. But in the long run, desalination is the only feasible solution...unless all the beautiful residential areas are turned into a desert when we have a virtually infinite supply of water staring at us. Yes, it takes energy to let's get busy and put solar panels on every roof! I have one, and it supplies almost all the power for the house and my electric car. I am already reducing water usage...replacing lawn areas with drought-tolerant plants and I provide a lot of habitat for local animals and birds. Doesn't that count for something?
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