Carol Why do you not acknowledge in So Calif we have the largest operating water recycling projects in the US?In southern California we are especially proud of using recycled wastewater to recharge our aquifers to increaselocal groundwater drinking supplies? West Basin MWD has been injecting treated water into the West Coast Basin since 1995 for drinking water use in Manhattan Beach, El Segundo, Torrance, Redondo Beach, etc. And LA County Sanitation Districts and the Water Replenishment District have been recharging the Central Groundwater Basin with highly treated sewage since 1962 (the amounts have increased substantially since then). WRD has an official Board policy to only use recycled water and stormwater capture to recharge their groundwater supplies for 4.5 million residents. And of course in Orange County they have built the largest recycled water project for groundwater recharge in the world! And more wastewater is recycled and used within the Santa Ana River than anywhere in the US! Suggesting "reclaimed water" is already used on golf courses, parks and cemeteries slights the significant efforts made throughout southern California to use recycled wastewater for a much wider range of other non-potable uses: oil refineries, carpet manufacturing, car washes, electric power plants, commercial laundries, cardbooard and paper mills, many other types of non-potable industrial and commercial applications. In southern California we have spent over $12 billion dollars since 1990 to become more water efficient and increase our local supplies (check out our efforts and facts on water use in So Calif at the Southern California Water Committee (
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