I, for one, never realized the desalination process would take the salt and dead critters and send it out an exhaust pipe right back to the already salty shore waters most fish and seawater wildlife use as habitat. I always imagined that desalination would never present such a tradeoff, where the greed of the plant owners seems more important than the profits they could make, by also utilizing all of the resource they are drawing from! Forgetting about the environment, for the sake of greed, is not a viable plan at all! This is so pervasive in for-profit operations, at every level! This is the clarion call for the state or federal government to step in and create the requirements for these new projects to adhere to, not only for human consumption needs, but also to the wildlife and habitat it is drawing from! There is no trade-off for either human or vegetable or animal if one species must suffer at the cost to the ecology of our natural planet! As the article I draw from clearly states, the input ports to this desalination system are wide open, allowing anything to enter, with no filtering, while only wastage is expelled from the process directly into the same area it is drawn from, creating a dead zone! Desalination, that increases the cost of each gallon of water,, while destroying coastline habitat, cannot be a viable solution while water reclamation from storm run-off costs less to recover and consumers can see a reduction in water cost! When do we see that Huntington Beach's governing body, which has historically sold off the ocean views to the rich investment classes and Hotels and Development Cartels, are now willing to create a deadzone, off our coast, while a better alternative already exists, in water reclamation, for the sake of investment opportunity, graft, good old boys networks, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours mentalities, instead of cost effective solutions that actually give back as much as they take? The Poseidon desalination engineers need to go back to the drawing board and complete the rest of the project, to include a zero tolerance for impact upon the land and sea and air it uses, and the impact it should never present to the surrounding habitat! Poseidon is not worthwhile if it raises consumer prices, while destroying habitat! Surely, storm water reclamation, to utilize upgraded existing wastewater treatment facilities is a better solution the city has chosen to ignore that can resolve these issues! Certainly, using the wastewater of sewer and storms is something that makes a lot more sense, while it might keep the coastlines cleaner than allowing wastewater of any kind to be pumped into our shorelines, where humans, animals, sea life and the ocean ecosystem cling to a diminishing habitat, for the sake of greed, or population tax growth! City Managers need to pay attention to the traffic congestion, establish a population cap, and create the cities that last forever, not left to fester with get rich schemes only the rich can benefit from, while degrading the life of the local communities and habitat for future generations of fish, fowl, waterways and fauna! Wake up! Poseidon is not the answer! The fishing has already been diminished and the flora and fauna and shorelines call for help, not the promise of more leftovers from the greed of an engineer's half-assed attempt of building a new machine while it serves neither people or planet!
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