Anaheim uses it for a free compost giveaway each year, with backyard composters sold dirt cheap for home use. This program works and I now have a place for all my green waste and leaves/vegetable scraps. Not sure where all the rest goes when our fee-for-services trucks haul it away. Why shouldn't profits be used lower our rates? When does the cost of home ownership ever go down because non-profits actually use the profits for cost reduction on our trash bills? How about all those landfills that ultimately get used as a base for new housing, giving the city some refunds, lowering our trash bills, when the land is built upon? Or does our government just serve the rich, always relying on the homeowners to fill their coffers, instead of rate reductions. How about restoration of our burnt hillsides? How about free firewood? How about free trash services? All the dumping charges we pay should give us a return on investment! Isn't it time for cities to give back to the homeowners?
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