Desalination, I always hated, but probably it's a needed for the future now that we screwed up so badly (over development and little stormwater capture). I have a lot of concerns with how they'll remove DDT, PFAS and other contaminants. I think Dana Point has done a lot for water recycling, and is setting an example for other local cities. But as you point out, they get a ZERO for runoff control. Stormwater capture begins at home IMO ...with gray water systems and rain barrels, which have not been talked about or incentivized nearly enough state wide. I am interested in both and I am doing the rain barrels. A 50 gallon rain barrel fills up in minutes, and I don't know anyone else using rain barrels here. NO ONE! And what about gray water systems? There are no incentives or information, and a lack of good products and methods available. A few years ago we got rebates on barrels, Since then my good (square, affordable) barrels were discontinued, and prices have doubled and tripled for rain capturing products. I am also concerned about soil health, and the stormwater collection is essential for that.
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