Stepping aside from the significant environmental concerns, our forefathers gifted water management to us as wise stewards of our beloved city. It's not an embellishment to say it's a spiritual responsibility, for us as caretakers of this immensely special gift of water, this vital & unquestionably precious key to life. Are we now to relinquish this precious gift, the most essential source of our life's sustenance to a private, profit-driven, entity? Are we now to outsource our forefathers inheritance and basic, as I believe, holy right to an outside business who will assume special monopolized water power over each citizen? Do you think Poseidon's interest is wholly altruistic in nature? We together are true and equal owners in our city's cherished water resource, I severely resist and resent losing this critically essential endowment. Think carefully on the terms of this partnership, it's a privatized 50 year take or pay water monopoly, which will soon be antiquated, is that what you chose to bequeath to our children? Hell no.
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