I read the LA County Water Department web site where it showed the chemicals in the public drinking water: benzine, chlorine and fluoride. Benzine id found in gasoline. Benzene is a health hazard. Consuming water with high levels of benzene over a long time can cause health effects such as: • Central nervous system dysfunction4 • Extensive hemorrhaging • Pancytopenia (decrease in amount of blood cells); white blood cells are especially sensitive2 • Increase risk of cancer3 Chlorine is what was used to kill soldiers in WWI. Fluoride is not good to ingest since the human body does not assimilate it. It is only good for coating the teeth not to ingest it. we can get all the fluoride we need from vegetables. In that form, the human body can process it. Perhaps the Sierra Club can address these toxic contaminants to the county administrators as a major part of the World Water Day program.
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