The Angeles Chapter Water Committee has been in opposition of this proposed plant for 10 years. SoCal has done exceedingly well with water management, we use the same amount of water that we did in the 1970's and projections of water use are declining because population is declining along with an increase in better water efficiency standards/appliances and conservation. There are many reasons why we oppose the plant, which some are mentioned in this article and other articles on this website. 1. Does not meet the standards set by the CA Ocean Plan, 2. Water is not needed, not enough customers 3. Too expensive $2200+/ACF compared to groundwater at $450/ACF and imported water $1100/ACF 4. Energy intensive, more GHG 5. Creates a dead zone 6. Destruction of marine larvae at intake site 7. Located next to a Superfund site 8. Uses old technology 9. Water is heavily laden with boron 10. Rate payer will bear the brunt of the cost Sierra Club has written 2 White Papers on Alternatives:
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