Your voice is needed to speak out against a damaging desalination plant on the coast

  • Posted on 4 November 2013
  • By jrobinson

Wednesday, November 13th will see a major decision regarding California's water supply. Beginning at 8am the California Coastal Commission will hold a hearing at the Newport Beach Civic Center and vote on approving a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for the Poseidon Huntington Beach desalination facility. We need you there to oppose it. 

If approved this project will pave the way for using the most environmentally destructive method for producing water all along our coast.

Please come out to the hearing on November 13th at 8:00am.

Newport Beach City Hall
100 Civic Center Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660

This project will destroy marine life, pollute our ocean and use enough energy for 30,000 homes. On top of the local impacts, there will be statewide and global consequences as the greenhouse gas emissions it produces accelerate climate change.  All this so Wall Street backed Corporation can sell us water we don't need or want.

The only way to stop this project is for the public to tell the Coastal Commission that we don't want it. Make your voice heard: To make show up on Wednesday, November 13 at 8am at the Newport Beach Civic Center, 100 Civic Center Dr. Newport Beach CA. Get there early to get a seat. 

We will have signs, talking points and everything else you need to help save out coast from this destructive project. 

Attend the Coastal Commission hearing on November 13, at 8 am at Newport Beach City Hall, arrive early to get a seat! Your attendance alone sends a strong message to the Coastal Commissioners that we oppose the project until it is critically needed and designed to comply with the Coastal Act policies. Even if you’re not fond of public speaking, show up anyway! We will provide you with signs and other ways to demonstrate your opposition to this project and your support for better alternatives.
Get informed and tell the Coastal Commission why you’re opposed to this project. We can provide you “NO POSEIDON” signs and talking points to help you make your point to the Commissioners.
Even if you can’t attend the Coastal Commission hearing, you can still voice your opinion by sending a message to the commissioners using the following link:
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I would highly recommend that the Sierra Club forward the following link and information to anyone interested in the hazards of the proposed desalination plant. Knowledge is Power

Please vote against this project! It will destroy marine life, pollute our ocean and use enough energy for 30,000 homes. On top of the local impacts, there will be statewide and global consequences as the greenhouse gas emissions it produces accelerate climate change. Thank you.

In protesting the desalination plant, can we provide alternative suggestions to provide enough water for the growing population?.

This project will destroy marine life, pollute our ocean and use enough energy for 30,000 homes. On top of the local impacts, there will be statewide and global consequences as the greenhouse gas emissions it produces accelerate climate change. All this so Wall Street backed Corporation can sell us water we don't need or want.

I am outraged that you would even consider this. One of the finest and most busy beaches in SoCal. My son surfs here.

Why are we initiating a costly program to get water from an ocean that is being radiated at a very high rate from Japan? I, for one, DO NOT want to drink this water.

Los Angeles gets its water either from the Colorado River or from Northern California. Both places are being destroyed by lack of their own water. It is ridiculous for anyone living near the ocean to import water from anywhere else. We should be independent of a need for water from any other source all along the coast. Of course it should be done in the most environmentally safe way possible and the power should be gotten either from the ocean itself or from solar energy, but the water itself should be from our nearby source. By all means protect the marine life and use government resources instead of those of some big corporation, but begin using this resource.

If you are ethical, then you will vote NO on Coastal Development Permit (CDP)'s Poseidon Huntington Beach desalination facility. Greed and corruption should not be allowed to destroy coastlines!!

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This proposed plant will destroy the marine environment by greatly increasing salinity in local waters. The two solution sto water shortages in California are CONSERVATION and RECYCLING. We need to conserve water on every level: removing lawns and inducing users to ration their use at every turn. We also need to follow practice in every other developed country and purify used water and re-use it. It is insane to use water only once. Meanwhile, this project is NOT the answer. We do not need more water, especially when its creation will be so very damaging.

The water production from seawater desalination makes more environmental sense in drought area of SoCal, and is much needed for Agriculture and reforestation (wildfire prevention).

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