Be The Change: Act for Infrastructure!

  • Posted on 18 August 2021
  • By Mercedes Macias
Join us on September 2nd for our CA: ACT for Infrastructure Action Party as we focus our efforts on lobbying Congressional and State Representatives to pass a bold infrastructure package in which climate change is the priority. Congress must pass a bill that makes the big, bold, and ambitious investments needed to tackle the climate crisis, achieve true environmental justice, and accelerate the transition to clean energy. To meet this moment, to heed the science, and to make good on President Biden's promises, Congress must act now to deliver on climate, justice, and jobs.
The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has issued its report for 2021 and the message is clear-- we need immediate action to lessen the severity of the climate catastrophe. The devastation from climate change is no longer on the horizon, it is here. It is the brown haze of smoke covering our once blue sky, it is in the dry lake beds once filled with life sustaining water. There is no question; climate change is caused by fossil fuels.
The Sierra Club has spent years working to build grass roots people power across California and the nation, centered on our values of equity and inclusion. The Republican legislators are leading a massive attack on voting rights in nearly every state, blocking the For the People Act and backing legislation that suppresses the vote. They will do whatever it takes to maintain their grip on power, including silencing the voices of people who oppose them, which so often means people of color.
We believe that change is powered by people --  this country belongs to all of us, and we hold the power to create our shared future. We need all hands on deck to pressure lawmakers, in California and all across the country. Our democracy -- and our chances at stopping irreversible climate chaos -- depend on it.
During the Action Party, we will talk more about why the For the People Act is so important to protecting the vote and how we’re advocating for climate justice in the sweeping infrastructure package. Then, we will take action together!
CA: ACT for Infrastructure Action Party
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