Mike Sappingfield

  • Posted on 31 October 2010
  • By Mike Sappingfield
Mike Sappingfield

I ask for your support for reelection as an 'at large' member of the Angeles Chapter Executive Committee. For the past several years, I have served on the Chapter Executive Committee, as a member, Secretary, Vice-Chair, and most recently as Chair. My objectives are twofold: first, to increase our efforts to strengthen and support our groups and sections; and secondly, ensure that we have a fiscally strong, healthy Chapter so we can continue to have the vigorous outings programs which allow us to explore and enjoy the wild places and support and maintain the many conservation task forces and committees that do so much to preserve and protect the environment.

As Sierra Club member since 1989, my original objective was to explore and enjoy the wild areas of this earth. That has been more than met. However, I discovered early on, that in order to enjoy this earth and what it has to offer, we must also preserve and protect it. This has inevitably led to getting involved with the more controversial local issues.

By way of background, I have been active in the Sierra Sage group since its forming in 1992 and have held a variety of positions, including Outings Chair, Group Vice-Chair, and Group Chair, as well as serving as the group representative to the Chapter Executive Committee. In addition, I have served as Chair of the very successful Starr Ranch BBQ fundraiser for each of the last several years.

Conservation activities included speaking at City Council and other Hearings relating to the Rancho Mission Viejo Development, the Forest Service Plan, the Morrell Canyon Hydroelectric project, and the 241 Toll Road Extension. I have also been a member of the steering committee of the Friends of the Foothills Taskforce and served on the Santa Ana Mountains Task Force. I have also been a member of the Orange County Conservation Committee and the Orange County Political Committee.

I have been an active 'O' level Outings leader for the past fifteen years, leading 20 or so outings each year. I have created the 'Mike's Hikes' series of easy hikes, and have been active in the Easy Hiker's Committee. I also served on the Chapter Outings Review task Force which recommended a number of improvements to our chapter outings program.

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