20s and 30s Conservation

Following the example of Sierra Club founder John Muir, the 20s & 30s Section believes that the best way to get people engaged with preserving wild spaces is to bring them responsibly to see and enjoy those spaces for themselves. Our section's outings program is part of the larger Sierra Club's efforts to expand universal access to nature for people of all backgrounds, groups, ability levels and economic standings. For example, the Outdoors for All campaign benefits children and youth, as well as empowering veterans to continue their service in protecting the land they defend.

The 20s & 30s Section promotes conservation efforts through our programs and events like Earth Day hikes, beach cleanups and letter-writing campaigns. As part of our local outings program, we encourage conversations about conservation and justice issues, both historic and contemporary, affecting the spaces we're visiting. Please visit our Outings and Events calendar for more information.

Throughout Orange and Los Angeles counties, groups of Sierra Club members work together on many conservation projects and environmental concerns, and give voice to efforts to protect open spaces and wild habitats. You can learn more about the Angeles Chapter's conservation efforts at the chapter's Conservation website.

There can be no environmental justice without racial justice. See what the national organization is doing to promote environmental justice for BIPOC communities at our Racial Justice page.

The 20s & 30s Section encourages participation by people of all races, creeds, genders, orientations, ability levels, economic statuses and, yes, ages at our events. The Sierra Club has renewed its efforts to focus on equity, inclusion and justice for all, both within our organization and throughout all of our various campaigns and activities. Please visit the club's Equity, Inclusion and Justice page to learn more.