San Fernando Valley Group






The Angeles Chapter and the San Fernando Valley Group invites you to our next quarterly in person General Membership meeting. Bring all suggestions for future activities. We will have plenty of challenges for the club over the next four years. 

This meeting will be right before most Earth Day events and we will be discussing how you can help with tabling events at different Valley venues, and discussing important issues regarding the new challenges for this year. 


APRIL 8, 2025 AT 7:00 P.M.

LOCATION IS ENCINO COMMUNITY CENTER’S ENCINO WOMEN’S CLUB.  (ECC address is 4935 Balboa Blvd., Encino, CA 91316)

The Club is behind the Encino Community Center. Parking will be at the center, with an open gate to the back entrance of the Club. There is a ramp available on the Paseo Robles entrance side.  (4924 Paso Robles Ave) is street parking only. 

Snacks and Drinks will be available.


  • TARZANA NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL'S 12TH ANNUAL EARTH DAY CELEBRATION AND POSTER CONTEST ON SATURDAY, APRIL 5 FROM 10AM TO 2PM AT TARZANA PARK. (5655 Vanalden Ave., Tarzana, CA 91356) We will be staffing a table and would need volunteers.


  •  JUNE 21, 2025, from 9 am to 1 pm
    DWP Open House Earth Day
    Ceremony with Native American Blessing, Guided Nature Hike, Animal Exhibits, and Environmental & Community Resource Fair. Further information will be posted as we get closer to the date.  Sierra Club, San Fernando Valley Group will be staffing a table. Volunteers welcome.
    Ceremony with Native American Blessing, Guided Nature Hike, Animal Exhibits, and Environmental & Community Resource Fair. Further information will be posted as we get closer to the date.  CNPC :: Chatsworth Nature Preserve Coalition

  • FOURTH ANNUAL DAY OF SERVICE-SPONSORED BY ASSEMBLYMEMBER JESSE GABRIAL AD-46 Sunday May 4, 2025, at Pierce College-Sierra Club will be staffing an information table throughout the day. More details to come. 



[Header photo: Monarch butterfly on silver sage © Christine Rowe, all rights reserved]


Sierra Club's virtual Action Hours are an opportunity to take meaningful action to protect our environment in just one hour each month. By joining us, you'll get briefings on the latest news and act alongside thousands of people around the country. Whether you're new to advocacy or want to practice your skills, this space is for you.

Right now, is a critical moment in the fight to protect our parks, forests, and public lands and ensure that we can continue to enjoy and explore them for generations to come.

If you haven't been keeping up with the news or feel like you don't know enough, that's okay! We'll start the Action Hour with a briefing from Sierra Club experts on the latest updates about Trump's destructive agenda and its impact on visitors, civil servants like the National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service staff, and the ecosystems they protect.

Then, we'll walk you through two ways to fight back and take action together during the call: writing handwritten letters to our Members of Congress and reaching out to friends to get them involved too. 

  • What: Public Lands Action Hour
    Where: Streamed on Youtube or Facebook. RSVP for the link to join.
    When: Wednesday, March 26, at 3 p.m. PT / 6 p.m. ET

RSVP LINK TO BE ADDED IF YOU WISH TO ATTEND EMAIL LYN KLEIN AT, and I will forward you the invitation email.