The Importance of Legal Arguments in Public Comments on Environmental Issues

  • Posted on 2 August 2021
  • By Everette Phillips
As we have discussed in other articles over time, sometimes public goods are protected explicitly, and sometimes they are protected by process.  When a protected public good is threatened explicitly, it is important to understand the specific laws that protect it.  When a public good is protected by process, then it is important to understand the process and the laws that protect the process. Most government agencies exist at the interface of “private goods:”and “public goods” and laws determining protections and processes like permits.

You Can Participate in Drawing the Lines!

  • Posted on 29 July 2021
  • By Sharon Koch & John Monsen

Why should you  participate in redistricting, the process of setting new congressional and state legislative boundaries?


Because it is easy, it matters, and you only have this opportunity every ten years.


Culver City is Phasing Out And Cleaning Up Oil Wells -- and That’s a Big Deal

  • Posted on 30 June 2021
  • By Nicole Levin, Campaign Representative, Beyond Dirty Fuels Campaign
Earlier this month, Culver City voted to phase out and clean up oil wells within the city’s borders by July 28, 2026. This vote is historic on multiple levels -- for starters, Culver City is one of the first cities in recent history to phase out existing oil production. The process, which included a study to inform the timeline to phase-out oil drilling, creates a pathway for the city and county of Los Angeles to follow. 

Pesticides Are Killing Our Bees

  • Posted on 27 April 2021
  • By Simone Kuhfal

A group of pesticides called neonicotinoids have been causing destruction and killing bees for years, and we need to act now before it’s too late.

Sierra Club staff and volunteers work together to analyze and determine Club positions on hundreds of bills at the legislature every year. From among those on which we take a position, a number rise to the top as priority bills that deserve attention and that we encourage our members to bring to the attention of their legislators. 

Trash Talk Saturday: L.A.’s historic South Park is a little cleaner now

  • Posted on 5 April 2021
  • By Will McWhinney
“There’s too much trash in the parks! Let’s do something about it." That’s what Mathieu Bonin, local Sierra Club activist, said recently. Starting in January, he’s organized three monthly litter collections in 2021 already. The latest was at South Park in South Los Angeles. Six of us grabbed our grabbers on a bright day in March and cleaned up lawns, flower beds, and bushes, or just called in. It was a meeting in the field using phone headsets and a conference call line.

Zombie Tunnel Project back to life as the Delta Conveyance

  • Posted on 22 February 2021
  • By Caty Wagner - SoCal Water Organizer, Sierra Club California
For many years we have opposed this project through its many iterations. The Peripheral Canal of the 80’s, the Bay Delta Conservation Project of the 00’s, the California WaterFix & Eco Restore Project of the 10’s and now the 20’s The Delta Conveyance project. Whether informally known as the twin tunnels, the tunnel boondoggle or the tunnel, we are forever hard at work to preserve and protect the Sacramento- San Joaquin  Delta, the only and largest freshwater tidal estuary on the West Coast.

An Open Letter to Our Community| COVID-19 & The Holidays

  • Posted on 19 November 2020
  • By Helen Maurer
Update: Zoom said earlier this week it would lift its standard 40-minute limit on free video chats for Thanksgiving Day to make it easier to spend time with friends and family virtually on the US holiday. Given spikes in COVID-19 cases nationwide and various new and existing restrictions on interstate travel, this year’s Thanksgiving will be an unprecedented affair likely involving a mix of in-person and virtual hangouts using videoconferencing software like Zoom. Planning a Zoom Thanksgiving?

Historic Win for San Onofre State Beach

  • Posted on 29 October 2020
  • By Mallory Martin, Communications Volunteer
In a long-sought win for a hallowed California landmark, Governor Newsom has officially signed Bill AB1426 into law last month – permanently protecting San Onofre State Beach and neighboring surf gem Trestles Beach from road infrastructure projects. The bill was written and introduced by State Assembly Member Tasha Boerner Horvath (D-76th) in September, but was ultimately the culmination of a nearly two decades long battle fought by countless individuals and organizations like the Save San Onofre Coalition (SSOC.) 
