A Massive Victory Against Big Oil!

  • Posted on 28 June 2024
  • By Megan Spatz
We successfully organized around the Signal Hill Community and they led us to a historic victory against Big Oil!
On June 26th, in the face of overwhelming pressure from the community and local environmental organizations, including the Sierra Club, the CA oil industry withdrew its referendum from the ballot.
Signal Hill was the largest financial backer of the proposed referendum.

"Killing Us Slowly": Environmental Justice and Grass-Roots Efforts to Achieve It

  • Posted on 2 December 2020
  • By Carol Henning
Kilynn Johnson got very sick one night and was rushed to hospital almost five years ago. Surgery to remove a tumor from her gallbladder revealed cancer that had spread from her gallbladder to some lymph nodes and to her liver. She needed six weeks of both radiation and chemotherapy. Gallbladder cancer is diagnosed in only about 3,700 Americans every year, and it mostly strikes people in their '70s and older. Johnson was only 46.

Climate change: The need for blue-green jobs

  • Posted on 7 March 2012
  • By Tom Politeo

The tug of war over the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline sets the stage for an archetypal battle of tree-huggers against the economy. This is, of course, exactly the way Big Money and Big Oil hope to frame the debate, capitalizing on an economy that has been staggering along on shaky legs.