Azul Blue Walls, Narrow Medina Alleyways, Bumpy Camel Rides: A Sensual Odyssey Through Morocco

  • Posted on 29 May 2024
  • By Angela Mason, LCSW
From May 5 – 19, 2024, the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter and Crescenta Valley Group completed a 1400-mile bus trek through Morrocco. Leaving no stone unturned, we visited 7 UNESCO world heritage sights and climates ranging from the hot dry Sahara dessert to the cooler windy high Atlas Mountains and breezy Mediterranean seaside. In some areas we saw fig trees and bitter Seville oranges, Jacaranda, rosemary, nasturtiums, dates, and almond trees, like we have in California. 

Local Student Joins Chapter Hike Through Bolsa Chica Preserve

  • Posted on 6 December 2021
  • By Nicolas Hayes, Local Student
We all need nature. 
The Sierra Club creates opportunities for everyone to experience the transformative power of the outdoors. Getting out into nature improves our mental, physical and social health and encourages us to take an active role in protecting and preserving the environment—this is especially true for our young people.

Check out the Angeles Lower Peaks Committee

  • Posted on 1 July 2021
  • By Ron Schrantz
The Lower Peaks Committee and LPC list have been around for some time, since the 1990s.  It was the effort of several Hundred Peaks hikers some of who lived in Orange County.  They liked to hike the peaks in the Santa Ana Mountains most of which were not on the Hundred Peaks list (which listed peaks 5,000’ or higher). So, they got together and began to compile a list of peaks under 5,000’.

The Sierra Peaks Section

  • Posted on 7 June 2021
  • By Tina Bowman
Founded in 1955, the Sierra Peaks Section (SPS) offered its first official trip May 5-6, 1956, to Deer Mountain in the Southern Sierra. Membership in the section quickly grew from eighteen founders to 176 by 1960, and the SPS was by then leading twenty-five trips every summer. As Southern Sierra said at the time, it was “by far” the most active section. Our renowned founding member Barbara Lilley is still climbing peaks, and two others are still alive, possibly three more whose whereabouts are unknown.

Check out the Angeles 20s and 30s Section

  • Posted on 30 April 2021
  • By Rima Zobayan
The 20s and 30s Section is a group of 20 and 30 somethings interested in meeting new friends in the greater Los Angeles area while enjoying the outdoors through hiking, camping, backpacking, beach-combing, playing volleyball and other fun experiences.  We like to have fun, but we also want to stay safe. For that reason, each hike is reviewed by our organization before posting to make sure there are at least two qualified volunteer leaders trained in CPR and basic First Aid are involved.

Desert Hiking 101 - How to be Prepared

  • Posted on 29 March 2021
  • By Regge Bulman
Spring is upon us and it (along with close competitors Fall and Winter) is a perfect time to strike out into the deserts of Southern California. Spring is the time to catch Instagram-worthy flowering cacti and plants that only strut their stuff after a few winter storms and the desert is always ready to provide stunning sunsets full of orange and red.

Featured Entity: Leadership Training Committee (LTC)

  • Posted on 29 March 2021
  • By Jane Simpson
In the early 1970’s, Angeles Chapter outings folks saw a need to standardize training and safety management for its hugely popular - and growing - outings program. The result was a first in the Sierra Club: a Leadership Training Committee (LTC), to train candidates, and a Safety Committee to develop policies, grant ratings to leaders and investigate incidents.