Chapter sets training workshops for volunteers both new and experienced

  • Posted on 31 December 2004
  • By Chapter Reports

Among the many helpful topics at this year's Volunteer Training is public relations. A PR specialist will train our activists to most effectively communicate with officials. Space is limited to 10 people only, so sign up quickly. Participants will go through mock lobbying sessions, then be coached and critiqued on their presentations.

Feel the need to get younger members into the Club? Bring them or faculty advisors from high schools and colleges to our Sierra Student Coalition training. Want to initiate a committee? Been snookered into taking the most thankless job in the Sierra Club-secretary? Want to set up a Listserv for your entity? We've got training for you.

We'll have the Sierra Club's new 'True Cost of Food' video screened. A presentation from another conservation/hunting/outdoors group will be featured. As always, an elected official will help kick off our day.

'Naviguessing the Sierra Club' is back for all of us members often dumbfounded by the massive maze that is our organization. The outings chair training, 'Money, Money, Money,' 'Nifty Newsletters,' 'Hot Conservation Topics,' 'Electing the Right Candidates,' 'Brilliant Bus Trips,' and publicity chair training round out the list of reruns.

The presenters, old and new, are excited and ready to interact with all our activists. They're probably also looking forward to the good food that always appears at these trainings.

The 2005 Volunteer Training will be held on Saturday, Feb. 5, and will start at 8:30am with registration and breakfast and be over by 3:30pm. Four sessions are available to all participants and lunch is provided too. Please contact registrar Mary Morales as soon as possible ( or 949-586-9528). For location info and more, check the Chapter web site

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