2024 Chapter and Group Elections

  • Posted on 31 July 2024
  • By Angeles Chapter Updates

The Sierra Club is unique among environmental organizations in that our leadership is elected by the membership. This democratic structure has allowed the Club to evolve and grow, and it's thanks to the dedicated service of so many that we are effective and thriving.

The annual Angeles Chapter elections begin Tuesday October 1, and ends Wednesday, November 13th.  Active members will be voting for 
  • At-large Positions on the Angeles Chapter Executive Committee.
  • Members of the Executive / Management Committee for their Regional Group in the Chapter.

How to Vote:

You must have an active Sierra Club membership by Oct 1st. Check your membership status here.

Voting is conducted through the Sierra Club's Campfire webpage, which all members have access to. For instructions on how to login to the Campfire webpage and cast your ballot, see these instructions.

Vote at sc.org/VoterPortal between Oct 1st and Nov 13th.

Alternately, you may request a paper ballot by Angeles Chapter at (213) 728-7543 or angeles.sierraclub@gmail.comFor more detailed information about voting and elections and to read more about the At-large Chapter Candidates see here.

Candidate Forum:

Watch the 2024 Candidate forum and get to know the candidates here:

Chapter Candidate Information

Meet the Candidates

Group Candidate Information

Group Link  
Airport Marina LINK  
Central LINK  
Crescenta Valley LINK  
Long Beach Area LINK  
Orange County LINK  
Palos Verdes South Bay LINK  
Pasadena LINK  
Rio Hondo LINK  
San Fernando Valley LINK  
Santa Clarita Valley LINK  
Sierra Sage of South OC LINK  
Verdugo Hills LINK  
West Los Angeles LINK  

Angeles Chapter Election Schedule 2024



  • Presentation of Nominating Committee nominees for Angeles Chapter ExCom approval (4 positions)


  • Chapter ExCom Petition Signature gathering

7/28 - 8/21

  • Chapter Nominee statement and photo deadline


Group ExCom Elections

  • Establishment of Group Nominating Committees 


  • Group Nominees names submitted deadline


  • Group Nominee statements and photos deadline


  • Group Petition Candidate signature gathering period

7/28 - 8/21

All Petition Candidate statements/photos deadline


Preparation of election materials – SoCal Now insert, ballots – paper and online, Election web page, statements – paper, online


Candidate orientation - ExCom and Group Nominees at 6 pm.




Candidate Forums

9/16 - 6-8 pm
9/21 - 4-6 pm



Ballot counting at Angeles Chapter office


Publishing results and notifying candidates


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