Harwood Lodge Marks 80TH Anniversary

  • Posted on 31 August 2010
  • By Mary Morales

On Saturday, October 23, 2010, the Harwood Management Committee is hosting a day-long celebration to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Aurelia S Harwood Memorial Lodge. All Sierra Club members and friends are invited to enjoy a barbeque lunch and anniversary cake, with festivities beginning at 10:00 am. Located in the Angeles National Forest in the San Gabriel Mountains above the city of Claremont, CA, Harwood Memorial Lodge was dedicated on November 16, 1930 in honor of Aurelia S. Harwood, the first woman and the eighth president of the Sierra Club. She was elected in 1927, tragically passing way in 1928 while in office.

Her love of the outdoors fueled a commitment to build a lodge where all Sierra Club members would have the opportunity to enjoy their own mountain retreat. Among her bequests was a sum to be put towards this ambitious undertaking

To realize her wishes, the Chapter Executive Committee pledged $1000 from the treasury and elected Building Committee Chairman, Peter van Oosting to raise additional monies with fundraising activities and member donations. Counting on all-volunteer labor, van Oosting's building committee leased a 5-acre parcel from the Forest Service in Manker Flat at an elevation of 6000 feet, approximately 4 miles from what was then known as Camp Baldy (now Mt. Baldy Village).

In the spring of 1930, construction began with a ground-breaking and laying of the cornerstone. Timber and supplies were trucked in, stones and boulders were gathered from nearby canyons and a 5000-gallon water tank was built on the incline above the lodge. An on-site carpenter and a stonemason were the only two men who received modest wages during the construction. Five and $10 donations, a theatre party for club members that netted just over $800 helped to cover all building and materials costs which totalled $6500. Remarkably, only four and a half months later, a beautiful two and a half story, gray granite structure complete with a Belgian slate roof was ready for occupancy. In the ensuing years, several roofs were replaced. New construction in the 1950's to expand the living space added a bathroom and scullery at the rear of the building. With inflation, lodge fees have gone up a bit from the inaugural 25ยข for overnight stays! Today, members pay $12 to spend the night, non-member guests $15 and children under 12 years $5.

A present-day Harwood Committee headed by Lodge Chair, Russ Hansen carries on the goals of that first gatekeeper, Peter van Oosting. Volunteers come up for work parties every spring, summer and fall to maintain the lodge in tip-top condition. A steadfast roster of overseers ensures that it's available every weekend of the year, whether for open days or entity-hosted events. Donations and overnight fees help to keep it self-supporting.

For information and to reserve for the anniversary celebration, contact Lodge scheduler, Elizabeth Ward by October 1st at or 909-932-1980. Members and guests are welcome to stay overnight, paying the applicable fees and bringing their own food and beverages for the rest of the weekend.

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