Mark Your Calendar for Bingo

  • Posted on 31 January 2010
  • By The Editor

We're putting the FUN in fundraising this February 10 at 7 p.m. with LEGENDARY BINGO, thanks to our friends at HAMBURGER MARY's. This unique and much sought-after fundraiser gives us a wonderful opportunity for outreach, funding, good times and good cheer.

Don't miss this chance to have fun AND support the Sierra Club! 10 exciting games of bingo with wonderful prizes and loads of laughs. This event is a ton of fun! The very best part is 75% of the proceeds go to the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter. All this for only 20 bucks!

Mark your calendar TODAY!

February 10, (Weds.) 7pm

Hamburger Mary's, located at 8288 Santa Monica Blvd.,
West Hollywood, CA.

Questions? Contact Ron Silverman at 213-387-4289 or email.

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